Network Events
Cross-Disciplinary Exchange
During virtual seminars on a topic of shared interest, network members present and discuss multi-disciplinary approaches and research on a particular biosocial theme. This provides a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange, reflection, and critique across academics representing a wide variety of life science disciplines. We believe this sort of regular exchange is crucial to improving and enriching life course research, by promoting a space for equitable dialogue, collaboration, and inspiration.

Talks and Podcast Response
Below you can view the talks presented by network members during our online seminars. Alongside each talk, guest speakers from that week have recorded a podcast response to share their thoughts and feelings on their peer’s work. We hope you will enjoy exploring these cross-disciplinary exchanges in your own time.
Please note, talks and podcast responses are grouped by seminar theme. In some cases, you can view the talks as a PowerPoint presentation, in others as a filmed video. On the right hand-side you will find the podcast response to the presentation.
Comparative Methodologies in Birth Cohorts
Multidisciplinary environmental health birth cohort research in Mexico City – ELEMENT, MEXPOS and NESTSMX
Generation XXI and bullying behaviour among 10-year-old children
Why do families participate in cohort research? A pilot study
Measuring Adversity and Risk Pt. II
Troubling Vulnerability: Neurobiological Risk and the Adverse Milieu in Environmental Epigenetics
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Inflammation
Staging the Lifecourse
A journey through the challenges of exploring childrearing using British birth cohorts
A Science of Hope? Tracing Emergent Entanglements between the Biology of Early Life Adversity, Trauma-informed Care, and Restorative Justice
Staging the Lifecourse Pt. II
Introducing ‘Trajectories’: a biosocial collaboration with the Healthy Early Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI) in South Africa
What (if anything) is going on? Social media use and mental ill-health among young people – teasing out associations using longitudinal data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Biosocial theory and the politics of developmental disruption: Reflections on interdisciplinary practice in the 1982 Pelotas birth cohort study
Toxicity and Pollution in Birth Cohort Research
Air pollution, noise and the built environment and their association with Cardiometabolic health in ALSPAC
The placenta, an evolving bio-object? Enacting toxicity as process in epigenetic research on toxicants
“Passing Down Pollution”: Thinking with Epigenetic Environmental Health
Early Career Researcher Seminar Series
NESTSMX Behind the Scenes: Biosocial Collaborations with a Mexican Birth Cohort Study
The Sociality of Sleep: Conversations with Midlife Working-Class Women from Mexico
Why do women go through menopause? An evolutionary approach
Cesarean Sections and Neurodevelopment, a longitudinal analysis in Mexico
Working behind the scenes of the ELEMENT study – a data and cohort management perspective
Biosocial approaches to LGBTQ+ health inequity: the case of asthma
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pain at Early Adolescence: A Study in the Generation XXI Cohort
How do mental and physical health change around transitions into sandwich care? Results from the UK Household Longitudinal Study