Literature Library 2

Journal series

Somatosphere Journal Series co-ordinated by Sahra Gibbon and Michelle Pentecost and co-authored by BBCRN Network members 

A Medical Anthropology Quarterly (MAQ) Journal Series co-ordinated by Sahra Gibbon and Janelle Lamoreux and co-authored by BBCRN Network members


Under themed headings below you will find a selection of network members most recent publications. Scroll through each section to explore the latest articles relating to biosocial approaches, subjects, and methods.

Early Career Resources

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Biosocial Approaches

Situated Interventions in Health Care? Refiguring the Normative Place and Experimental Practice of Social Science
Angela M. Filipe - Taylor & Francis, 2017
The co-production of what? Knowledge, values, and social relations in health care
Angela Filipe, Alicia Renedo, Cicely Marston - PLOS Biology, 2017
Bioethnography and the Birth Cohort: A Method for Making New Kinds of Anthropological Knowledge about Transmission
Elizabeth F. S. Roberts - Somatosphere, 2019
Caring for biosocial complexity. Articulations of the environment in research on the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
Michael Penkler - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 2022
Towards a feminist philosophy of engagements in health-related research
Sonja Erikainen et al - Wellcome Open Research, 2022
Developing a Canadian framework for social determinants of health and well- being among children with neurodisabilities and their families: an ecosocial perspective
Angela M. Filipe et al - Disability and Rehabilitation, 2021

Biomarkers and Social Exposures​

Human Placenta, Birth Cohorts, and the Production of Epigenetic Knowledge
Martine Lappé + Robbin Jeffries Hein - Somatosphere, 2020

Toxicity and Pollution

Toxicology and the chemistry of cohort kinship
Janelle Lamoreaux - Somatosphere, 2020

Covid-19 and Cohorts

The Lived Experiences of Epidemiologists in 2020
Martha María Téllez-Rojo - Epidemiology, 2021

Life course research

Birth cohorts, biosocial theory, and the politics of developmental disruption
Dominique P. Béhague - Somatosphere, 2020
Becoming Intergenerational in Birth Cohorts: kinship and the remaking of participation
Sahra Gibbon + Rosie Mathers - Somatosphere, 2021
The new trial communities: challenges and opportunities in preconception cohorts
Michelle Pentecost - Somatosphere, 2021

Examining Adversity

How should we study intergenerational trauma? Reflections on a 30-year birth cohort study in Soweto, South Africa
Andrew Wooyoung Kim - Somatosphere, 2020
Epistemic and Temporal Disjunctions: (Re)Mapping “Suicide Risk” Epigenetics Through Birth Cohorts
Stephanie Lloyd, Angela M. Filipe and Alexandre Larivée - Somatosphere, 2020
Troubling Neurobiological Vulnerability: Psychiatric Risk and the Adverse Milieu in Environmental Epigenetics Research
Angela Marques Filipe, Stephanie Lloyd and Alexandre Larivée - Frontiers in Sociology, 2021
A Science of Hope? Tracing Emergent Entanglements between the Biology of Early Life Adversity, Trauma-informed Care, and Restorative Justice
Rüth Muller + Martha Kenney - Science, Technology, & Human Values 2020
Ethnic and sexual identities: inequalities in adolescent health and wellbeing in a national population- based study
Amal R. Khanolkar, David M. Frost, Evangeline Tabor, Victoria Redclift, Rebekah Amos, Praveetha Patalay - LGBT Health 2022

Research Methodologies

Making Better Numbers through Bioethnographic Collaboration
Elizabeth F.S. Roberts - American Anthropology, 2021
Bio-Ethnography: A Collaborative, Methodological Experiment in Mexico City
Elizabeth F.S. Roberts- Somatosphere, 2015


BBCR network members are spearheading  multiple inter-disciplinary projects across the globe. Here are listed some of the innovative collaborations our members are involved with

Mexican Exposures
A Bioethnographic Approach to Health and Inequality

Adolescent Sociality Across Cultures
A cross-cultural collaborative research programme on adolescent sociality, initially focusing on Japan and the UK

DOVE Research Centre
Human Development and Violence Research Centre

Child of Our Time
A blog about the health and happiness of children living in the UK